You can connect with goings-on at Milton—formal and informal—and see what students and faculty are doing in several easy ways:

Check the website every day. Milton’s homepage delivers up-to-date news in many forms. Timely feature articles highlight student, faculty, and alumni activities. Video and photos let you in on fun, ceremony, performance, and exhibits.

Set up Milton’s calendar to serve you. Milton’s online calendar includes every major and minor event involving Milton students, faculty, or staff. When you explore the calendar, you can add events to your own calendar and sign up for email alerts. You can set it to sync or email a single event, or a category of events. You’ll see “Add to my calendar” and “Remind me by email” on the top bar of the calendar listings. Simply decide what works best for you and choose the option you’d like.

Dive deep into Centre Connection, Milton’s online parent newsletter. This newsletter, Centre Connection, is the place to see a full art exhibit; learn about Milton’s performances and who’s acting in them; hear a presentation by a well-known public figure delivering one of Milton’s endowed lectures; and find out what classes are doing virtually. Centre Connection is published five times each year. You’ll enjoy scanning the news updates and fun features.

Follow Milton on Instagram. Worth a thousand words, Instagram posts from Milton (@miltonacademy) capture and share slices of School life. Use the Instagram icon on the homepage to find and follow Milton Academy.

Participate in parent events: The Parents’ Association webpage will update you on parent events, volunteer opportunities, and other news.

Read the student newspapers: Two other informative and often-humorous sources of information are the student newspapers, the Milton Measure and the Milton Paper. We encourage you to consider a subscription to one or both papers, which can come to you via regular mail, email, or both.