The Community Engagement Programs and Partnerships (CEPP) office remained busy this summer. Students had weekly volunteer Zoom calls with children at the Brookview family shelter; donated food and activity supplies to local families in need, as well as to the Navajo community in Thoreau, New Mexico (normally the destination for the June service trip); or planned for the new school year with CEPP’s partners. 

“In these unusual and uncertain times, opportunities for connection, compassion, and learning together are more important than ever for our students and our partner communities,” said Andrea Geyling-Moore, faculty director of CEPP.

CEPP’s 2020–2021 school year will begin with an online sign-up process once classes are underway. More than 20 regular partners are eager to stay connected through Zoom tutoring, penpal letter-writing, the arts and athletics, events to raise funds and awareness, and more. 

Student leaders on the Community Engagement Board will plan creative ways to build community within the campus and beyond. Partner organizations include the Boston Public Schools, Urban Farming Institute, Hebrew Senior Life, Milton Residences for the Elderly, Immigrant Family Services International, and Milton’s own Lower School. Updates will be communicated to students via email, instagram @ma_communityengagement, the “How to engage during covid” CEPP Google site, and the soon-to-be launched platform, CampusGroups.

For more details about all programs, visit the regular Community Engagement page, which will be updated as the school year unfolds. Any questions or ideas, please contact Andrea Geyling-Moore at or 617-898-2320.